Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ant man

Since I'm in the ant man mood I decided to read another comic my friend found me when messing around at a few comic shops (which was fun!) This was a different kid of ant man story which I thought was very interesting.

In this story Janet ( known as Giant girl in this story) is helping the avengers fight some alien bugs but gets distracted by her father calling her. First things first why the hell would you be on your cellphone when your battling alien bugs? That's the first thing I thought was weird. Her father is telling her they Hank has been missing for days and wants her to stop by the lab.

Of course she has a crush on Hank and for the once she actually isn't acting like a bitch in a comic. I thought she was actually cool in this one. Another thing that surprised me is Spider-Man is in the avengers helping them fight and helps Janet through out the story. I thought the avengers hated Spider-Man? Anyway Spider-Man and Giant girl go to the lab and see what's going on. He tells them Hank has been missing for days and took all his research with him and even his helmet ( it was recently just made and new to everyone). Janet also meets Hank's assistance Erik Josten who is obsessed with Janet. He knows she likes Hank and is trying everything to get her to notice him and even date him. Totally not going to work.

While walking through the lab Spider-Man sees a trail of ants that spell out "This way" and even an arrow that shows the way they want him to go. He finds " Ant man" really tiny hanging out with the ants at the ant hill. Too tiny to hear Hank shrinks Spider-Man down to ant size and tells him his been researching ants for a few days and has even emailed Erik. Erik knew the whole time because Janet went through his deleted mail to find that Hank has been emailing him the whole time giving data and even telling him all his discovers. She was really mad and even tryed waking out but Erik.

Mad at him Janet walks out and Erik walks in the lab to get a yellow pym particle suite to show off the Janet but fights her instead. Spider-Man gets returned to normal size the help him and Hank even calls the avengers but they were useless in this battle. Erik just takes there aircraft and throws it at Janet apologizes after he does it saying he would never hurt her. Dude you just threw it at her!

Hank uses his pym particles and beats him up a little knocking him out and saves the day. Captain America asks him if his ever considered being a superhero but he says no he belongs in the lab. Is that all the avengers ever do? just ask everyone that saves there butts to be on there team because they always get beat up?

I thought it was a fun issue about ant man. Different from him fighting and saving people's life's. I would recommend it if you have nothing else to read or just see it at your local comic store. Worth the read. :)

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