Wednesday, May 8, 2013


It's been about a year since I started collecting comics and I have to say I'm happy! I have so many comics, a lot I still have to read but I'm slowly reading them all and a lot of series I like.

I would say I pored a lot of money into comics as does any comic collector and I have to say I'm not regretting it. Since I started I would say I've learned a good bit about comics, the heroes and the villains. Not enough to say I made a dent. There's just so much I have to learn still! Also since I started collecting comics I've made a bunch of friends. Down at my fav comic place (C & C's comic shop located in Saturday's market in Middletown PA)  they tell me some good comic series to read. I learned a lot about heroes and there villains with marvel and DC trading cards and reading about them too. I also learn about different things that happens in the marvel history line like the civil war and the secret invasion. 

One thing I love about collecting comics is just reading the story's! There are so many good ones out there that I've read and had my friends read. That's how you get a person hooked on comics. Let them read it or talk about it all the time until they check it out for themselves. Thing I hate.... waiting for new comic to come out when marvel teases us with previews. That's one thing the other is finding a good comic shop with comics you know you'll buy. My fav shop and maybe one other that I go to sometimes has a lot of stuff I want or like but other than that the other comic shops usually have card games going on and they hide half of the comics. 

I proud of my collection so far. I've learned about heroes like Ant man, my first superhero that caught my eye and villains like arcade. I hope to learn about more and hopefully I can share more about my comic experience's as a collector. :)

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