I really love drawing pictures for people. I feel that by drawing them something it makes the person happy (by them getting something) and it also helps me to get new skills or practice shading, coloring or even just drawing. One of the major things you deal with in the art field is criticism on your art piece.

I take it pretty good at times but the other times I don't because I either don't like the people or don't really care what they have to say because I just don't feel like listening to them. I know it's something you should handle and I'm starting to get better at that and now. I'm taking in more of it from people too. I always like asking people if the drawing I'm doing looks good, needs something or looks off. They usually give me advise and tell me what I should add or fix, which is nice.

I really want to learn new ways to do drawings, painting or anything that seems interesting to me. I never really had the chance to learn much with the art teacher I had and have now. The other one right now in the high school is the best one I've went to that's actually helped me with my art. I also had one teacher in 8th grade that I only had for 2 semesters that gave me good advise too. You always got to look for someone to look up to with art that give you advise and shows you how to do things. I think I know some people but I would have to go to them more and try to go under there wings for more advise and stuff. Basically I've learned things on my own but its always good to learn things from others. You only get better if you practice and try your best!
One of my favorite pieces :D LOKI!!!! Still improving my skills and getting better :)
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