I didn't start reading this comic because some people said it wasn't that good and I probably wouldn't like it. It was up until my friends told me Arcade was the main villain and the group of avengers are stuck in murderworld fighting each other to survive. That was all I had to hear so I got what they had. I got issue 1 and 4. Still need to get 2 and 3 whenever I get time to go to the comic store but I don't know when I can :P ( other then my regular shop I go to)
The first one I thought was good. It started to unfold the story to the reader like every 1st issue. Arcade in it I will say is different. He has magic powers and he grew his hair out long which is ok. Personally I like it better short and flicked out. Makes him look more crazy and I didn't really see his big smirky smile on his face. Maybe it's in the other issues but I will say its awesome so far! I just can't wait to get the others to read but I have so many comics I want right now!

I did find some comic shops with more comics of Arcade I'll have to check out sometime. Until then I shall be reading the comics I have and catch up on a few story's I haven't completed yet.
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