The uni power, a power source that takes over a hosts body in a time of need. It never stays with one person it always moves to others to help them and will be called Captain Universe! Most people never heard of this power. I know I haven't put I'm still new to everything.
I first got introduced to it by my friend and in these 5 comic series. The uni power took over Daredevil, X-23, invisible women, hulk, and sliver surfer. I thought it was really good. The cool part about the uni power is that when it switches from people to people it learns and gives the ability of strengths it had from its previous host to the person. An example would in the 5 comic book series everyone got a lot of strength due to it being infuse with the Hulk. Daredevil could see and could hear everything better around him which had to be nice for a bit. Feel bad for the guy. His one of the smartest heroes in the prospective of him using his other seances to use and bringing justice to the bad.

Would I recommend people to check it out? Yes I actually would. As I said before not many people heard of it. It kind of died and no one really uses it much. I know spiderman was infused with the uni power at one point and so was others. There are not many comics though. So if your interested go to your local comic shop and check it out.
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