Just a few years ago my father made our family watch a documentary on how humans kill animals for meat. I couldn't bare to watch it but I had to. They would take cows and heard them in the place. They would then take one cow put them in a head rest thing and slit there throat letting the blood spill out of the floor and let they choke on it dieting painfully. They showed other things like shooting the cow in front of others, tailing them alive and other horrible things.
My sister showed me the other day a video PETA posted on Facebook. I tried to find it but there are so many pages for them and you might be able to find it on YouTube if you want to watch it. It was about how China takes cats and dogs off the streets and puts them in changes. They then throw them ( in a cage with over 50) out of the touch crunching there bones. They also throw them off the top of the trucks too. Then they hang them up and skin them alive. There meaty body is then thrown in a pile with others and can still live up to 25 mins. The camera people showed a meaty possum body that had the strength to look up at the camera.

China also took an Akita dog strangling to to death and then shocked it till it died. It was just horrible to watch. I latterly felt sick in the stomach, I didn't know what to say, I felt like throwing up and I just didn't want to eat. Please don't buy fur from china or fur at all. Just think about the things I said and what the animals went through. It latterly is the longest holocaust going on still today for them. I know it's the circle if life but what we do is really mean to them. At least take there life peacefully and not in pain. These are some pics if you don't want to see look away. Thank you for reading.
Please watch if if you can handle it.
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