I'm a bit of an artist just like everyone else. I love art with a passion and if I couldn't do anything artistic I prob would go crazy myself. You can always find me at Michael's (craft store) looking for new materials for projects I want to do or just things I need. My point is on saying this stuff is everyone has the right to choose what they want to do and express themselves in their own artistic ways.
My art teacher thinks differently and it's really starting to piss me off to the point that I just want to flip out but I don't feel the need to unless I really have to. He tells us the projects were going to do and everyone gets excited to do them. We usually get to choose something related to the project which is sweet! But..... Mr Macho man just struts his stuff in and tells you " no you can't do that" or " that's copyright you didn't take that picture from that person ". I think you all get the point.
The one project I really couldn't wait to do was a mobile project. A mobile is a pice of artwork that hangs on the ceiling of a place and moves with the air flow and direction of the place and also has multiple levels on it. I had the coolest thing planned. I was going to make a marvel one with Thor throwing his hammer, iron man flying, spiderman shooting his webs and some other characters. I was just about to work on it when he told me I couldn't because it was copy right so I said fine whatever. I decided to do a mobile based on my parents jerky company The Jerky Connection which he couldn't say anything about because if he did my mom would of rubbed the copyright thing in his face. ( kind of wished he did)

While constructing it to the way HE wanted us to someone else did a Wizard of OZ one which really made me mad because that's copyright right. I was so pissed! Anyway we have a new project to do of a cityscape which I know his going to piss his pants on what I want to do. ( pics below) if he has a problem on both of them I'm just going to say you know what I'm going to do them anyways and if you don't like them don't grade it.
He did that on my one sketch book assignment. It was a grayscale assignment and I drew a hobbit house and he said I did it wrong which pissed me off because I spent so much time on it. All I can say is his an ass and his art style and background sucks. I prefer the other art teacher who doesn't tell you how to do it he actually guides you and gives you tips which is awesome. Also when he draws examples he draws it either on yours or on another piece if paper. If its on your art piece he erases it and tell you to do it. He actually supports you In art unlike the other one. I hate my art class and to make it worse I had him 3 times in high school already and as a kid in elementary school too. Fuck you art teacher I do what I want >:)
Was the name of your art teacher Rob Liefeld? lol
ReplyDeleteAll jokes aside, I gotta agree with you. That's a terrible way to teach students on stifling creativity by limiting what you're allowed to do. I can understand copyright infringement in the 'business world', but not in high school or college.
When I went to the Art Institute, they taught us about copyright infringement work, but they never said we couldn't use brand name or whatever for our projects. We just couldn't put some of them in our final portfolio.
I'm also going to assume that you were going to draw Thor and them and not just cut them out of a comic book, which basically means it would fall under the 'fair use' in copyright and he can't really bitch about that.
Just make sure your table is light and easy to lift before you go...
Haha good joke!!! xD his name is Mr. Williamson and his an ass hole. He makes art look bad and me and him had a little war about art a year ago. He was mean to me all the time then started being nice again but he likes to change his moods all the time. I believe that everyone should express art the way they feel and not the way the teacher wants you to. That's what Mr. Miller the nice art teacher tells his students and its true.