DR. MID-NITE..... His name basically tells his story. I heard about him on one of my trading cards I have. The picture I thought looked cool and today I actually got my first comic to read with him in it.
DR. MID-NITE (or Charles McNider) is a really skilled surgeon. One day he gets called to remove a bullet from a client that is going to court to testify against some mobsters. First thing I thought was something's gonna happen. You never want to mess with mobsters. While he was getting the bullet out of the person's skin the mobsters ( who knew they were going to loose and didn't want that to happen) threw a grenade in the room killing the client and blinding Charles.
He was afraid he could preform any more surgeries due to his blindness. At home one night when he was recovering an owl flew through his window injuring itself. He took off his blindfold and when he did he was surprised he could see. Charles then figured out that his eyes could only see good in complete darkness and not in the light. He helped the owl and basically adopted it and called it Hooty which I think is a pretty cool name for an owl. The owl inspired him to create a pair of eye ware that helps him see pitch blackness in the day and helps him see even better at night. Hooty also became his crime fighting partner and inspired him to be DR. MID-NITE
DR. MID-NITE soon became part of the JSA and he went on from there. Sounds interesting for a doctor. (At least for me)
So I hope this gave you some background on him. I know I learned some things and hope to get some more comics in the future of him and tell more about him to everyone once I learn more.
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