I really don't like weather people. One moment they tell you it's sunny and nice out the next they tell you something totally different. They basically get paid to be wrong which makes me mad. I think if they get the weather wrong so many times in a row they shouldn't get paid.
Yea that sounds really harsh to some people but the days I actually listen to them are the days I regret it. One time the weather people said it was going to be a beautiful and sunny day on one of my summer break days. I was like yes! ( I hate the summer heat, but on some days I don't mind it). I was over at my cousin's house bouncing on his trampoline having a good time until suddenly the sky got pitch dark and it started to poor out. I actually love the rain. I like going outside to just stand it and look at the sky. I always think the sky is crying because someone has died or something wrong is going to happen to me or someone else. The rain didn't bother us we were just being careful not to slip because one wrong step and your done for on one of those things. Next thing we know its thundering like crazy so we jump off quick and get inside ( he lives by the woods and there are a lot of trees that get shocked down)
My sister being the crazy one is out there yelling at the sky "come on give me your best shot" and no sooner did she finish that a huge lighting strike roared and hit somewhere scaring the crap out of all of us. She ran in and we all watched the sky and storm. We all waited to go out after the storm which was 10-15 mins later and we were back out playing again. This was a few years back but there are many more story's about these crapy weather people.
I know it depends on the satellite and stuff but come on. Some people plain out nice days to have fun with family and go out to do things but its always raining when they say its sunny and sunny when they say its going to rain.
I'm more of a fall and winter person. I really don't like the summer because its always too hot out. Every now and then I don't mind it. My one favorite part of summer is the thunder storms. I just love to watch them because they've always interested me. I love fall because of the leafs falling down and it always has the cool chill to the air along with a damp earthy smell ( you'll know what I'm talking about if you live in PA) and another cool thing is we all can normally tell when it's going to rain because of the moist smell in the air. I had a foreign exchange student once that I said it was going to rain because of the moist smell in the air and sure enough it did. He didn't know how I knew. I guess people only in some areas can tell. I didn't understand why he couldn't tell because he was from Germany and it normally always rains over there just like it does in London. Winter is my ultimate favorite because I was born in it and I just love snow. I'm kind of weird I think. I always like to go for a walk in it and love hear the crunch of the fresh coat of snow when my boots steep on it. I also like to wear my Russian hat. Make me feel like one which is awesome! :)
So for all you weather people I would like to say you get paid to be wrong. I bet you can say it would rain rubber ducks and people would believe you. For me I'll believe the weather when I see it happening. I would advise you to do the same.
Funny weather pic :P
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