Monday, January 28, 2013

Hero's that caught my eye #4

My friends down at the comic shop just introduced me to Power Girl. I have to say she's actually pretty cool. I don't have that many girl superheroes that I like or haven't been introduced to yet to say I like a bunch of them.

I know for sure I really don't care for wonder woman. I never really liked her as a kid and I still don't like her now. I feel that she's always showing off to Superman and all the JLA how good she is but she's not. Sure she saves people but geez look at her. She has to pick an outfit that is like glued to her and makes you want to look at her particularly guys. I will admit she is pretty but she doesn't need to go around showing herself off. It's probably a girl thing to dislike other girl superheroes we think make other superheroes look bad, but I know others say the same thing.

Now for power girl she can't help having big boobs. I know people that hate it and she probably does too. It's one thing that always attracts guys attention for some reason. Personally I don't find it attractive or the butt either. It's art as some artist would say. Yea when I was a kid I freaked out about nude people like everyone else but now its like eh. It's just the body. Power girl always has the guys eyes going down to her chest and she always has to guide there eyes back up to hers.

I think she kicks butt! She is a really pretty girl too. Her fighting style is awesome and she puts all her effect into saving the earth no matter if she has to die and that's what gets my attention. Your probably thinking isn't that what all the superheroes do? Well yea they all do but some fight for other reasons and for her that's all she has. Save the world or die trying and that's how people respect you.

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