Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The jerky connection

I would like to congratulate the jersey connection for a job well done! My family's business placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the heat awards down in Texas. We started making jerky as a hobby but people wanted to buy it off of us. They said it was so good they wanted more so we made more. Soon enough we had people telling us we should make a business out of it and we did.

Starting in April we had a ruff start with paying for the equipment and bills. We hoped the sales would help us out but everyone knows you don't pay yourself back for 5 years when you have a business. My father, the mad scientist behind all the mixing and creating of new favors has done a really good job hanging in there along with my mother, sister and my brother. There are still ruff patches we hit every now and then but we get through it together. We are still making more flavors too! Can you believe it!

Check us out some time. We have over 35 favors of jerky ranging from original to blow your head off spicy! We are also located in Saturdays market along with C & C's comic cave and other great stands. Again Congratulation Jerky Connection!


Here is what we won. The golden pepper award for the best tasting and spicy jerky!

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