Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh jobs how I love them!

Don't you just love having a job? Personally I don't but its what you have to do to live. I thought my job was the best until recently.

I watch 3 kids that live in a rich family, doesn't sound to bad so far. I love them to death but I think I have to quit soon. Why? I'm getting sick all the time and it's not even funny.

I used to just get sick maybe once a year if that but now it's all the time and I don't know why. I know when you watch kids you tend to get whatever they have but not like me. For me I would get sick during the summer and about all winter long but whatever I have now its the last straw.

My body for some reason can't handle it. I'm 17! I shouldn't be getting sick like that. My family said its time to get another job and I agree with them. I personally think if I don't leave soon I might get something I really don't want.

Well off to find another job I guess and hopefully they will let me take off ever Saturday or at least work evenings that day if I can. Life sucks but what really sucks is when you have to hunt for a new job in an economy that's not doing good. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh yeah kids are walking petri dishes. Everytime I helped out with the Sunday school at church I would feel like crap for a couple of days afterwards

    1. Got that right. The longest I was sick was 2 1/2 months straight and it wasn't fun. After I got better I just got sick again.
